
Welcome to the docs of 0x81/multiwindow

The docs document all the classes and functions so here are just a few usage examples

Module version 1.4.3


npm i multiwindow


Example usage of the class:

//require the core class
const multiwindow = require("multiwindow").extended;

//create a new Instance with almost all configs on default
let main = new multiwindow([10,10], [10,10], "\x1b[36m");
//as no options are specified, it uses the default on all

//we now have 4 10*10 containers, we can get these like this
let topLeft = main.container(0, 0);

//we can call all functions on this as they are defined in the container class, like writing some text
topLeft.clearWrite("some text");
//or setting a title

//the docs contain all other functions that you can use

Example of getting some input and displaying it in a container

//same as above, we already have a main object which is an instance of the main extended class

//lets first enable the input handling

//now lets display inputted text in a container, and clear it on pressing enter

//and lets append every new line of text to another container
main.emitter.on("line", (line) => {

Example of using the helper class with default settings to create a menu

//setup a instance of the main class
const multiwindow = require("multiwindow").extended;
let main = new multiwindow([20,100], [10], "\x1b[36m");

//we will have this container to display the menu in
let menuBar = main.container(0,0);

//lets use this container to display other things such as output, and lets set a title matching that intention
let output = main.container(0,1);

//the functions for our menu, named by each option, with two options total
let menuOptions = {
    "Main": {
        hover: () => {
            //lets display some text on hovering 
            output.clearWrite("Runs some function on pressing enter.")
        run: () => {
            //and the function to run on pressing enter, we'll just have it clear everything
    "Exit": {
        hover: () => {
            //some more hover info
            output.clearWrite("Exit the programm.");
        run: () => {
            //exit on pressing enter at this option

//creating the menu
//since we are leaving the options on default, we need to pass an instance as the default mode is "internal"
let mainMenu = new multiwindow.menuCore(menuOptions, {instance: menuBar});

//starting the menu
//it will be active until some option is selected

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